Hans Sandgren Jakobsen

Hans Sandgren Jakobsen Was born in 1963 on Denmark. After an apprenticeship to become a carpenter, Hans Sandgren Jakobsen studied at the Danish Design School in Coopenhagen. After his studies he worked as designer for COBO Design in Japan and Nanna Ditzel’s design studio in Copenhagen, before he became a freelance designer in 1999 with his own design studio. Hans Sandgren Jakobsen works for companies such as Bondo Gracersen, Art Andersen & Copenhagen or Fritz Hansen. His designs have already been honoured with some design prizes such as the Good Design Award or the iF Award. To create a piece of furniture is often a long process. This is also the thought of Hans Sandgren Jakobsen. 2-4 years pass from the idea until the finished and lanced product. The time is an important factor, which enables to design, reflect, test, and further develop and to use the material optimally. Hans Sandgren Jakobsen reduces the design to a minimum along the process. The minimalist expression emphasizes the design clearly and reaches international appeal like that, according to the designer. However, he finds it indispensable to keep the clear design closely together with its function. Sandgren would “never make a beautiful armchair, where one can’t sit in” – he explained.

1 Product

Gallery Stool by Fredericia
Gallery Stool
by Fredericia
from 891,00 €